"Wonderful and relevant training."Empathy Fatigue with Stoke on Trent City Council, Nov 2022

Greetings faithful readers of my blog posts,
This week I delivered my newly revamped ‘Empathy Fatigue’ course ‘Embracing Rational Compassion’ to staff from Stoke-on-Trent City Council. Stoke Council appreciates that their staff need to be looked after, encouraged and inspired. As a compassionate employer they recognise that we are currently working in difficult and trying times. It’s the old adage, ‘how can we look after someone else if we can’t look after ourselves.’ Self-care and deeply reflective moments are required to de-stress and embrace the ability to do the our jobs to the best of our abilities.
The course is based on contemporary research and lots of interviews with staff members and residents of Stoke. I have created a variety of learning aids. These include my always very popular training films, some of which are humorous and some which tell it ‘Like it is’ when you are working in social care / homelessness / housing and education in 2022.
I always thrive to create an atmosphere where differences are appreciated. Difficult conversations can happen and hopefully some light-bulb moments will emerge. It was very rewarding reading the learner feedback, especially how the staff members noted how I allowed them to talk openly and honestly with regard to stresses they may be experiencing in the workplace and how these stresses are impacting their personal lives.
I have (as always) included a smattering of learner comments with regard to the training. The feedback has been 100% positive with some lovely words of encouragement from the staff at Stoke.
“Steve is a tonic, such an engaging tutor, that is what makes his teaching style such a brilliant fit with mine (and many other learning style). I was engaged throughout and even there were ‘gremlins’ in the system Steve managed this well and it did not detract from the course. A couple of slides have already been printed off and stored in my file of important papers – especially the ‘I’m FINE’ doc 😊 and the cup analogy. I uses this the very next day with a member of the Contact Service whom I dealt with in a completely different way and sharing the cup analogy with her. I use the circle of concern and the important/urgent tools often – as I do the three bums on a bed! (Steve you will get this!) Mostly thank-you Steve as this training came at just the right time for me, and personally made me think differently and feel better.”
“Really good to see you yesterday (and you looking so well too) I can’t begin to tell you how much I have learnt over the years from your training, and it is training that ‘sticks’, that I have shared with others and always thoroughly enjoyed taking part in. Never change – you are brilliant.”
“Thank you for today session was good and informative. Look forward to further training sessions with yourself. Thanks.”
“Great session from Steve, really educated me on my own thoughts and that I need to have a better awareness of myself and my reactions to situations along whilst considering other people with compassion. I enjoyed Rory’s big day as I think we have all had a day like this in our lives and it was truly relatable, made me aware of the urgent/non-urgent and important/non-important work tasks
It also made me realise that I do have a good coping mechanism and can switch off from work when the laptop lid is closed at the end of the working day but the prepare myself for the next day.
Oh, and loved the factual quiz at the beginning to make us realise the world is a better place thank what our opinion tells us.”
“Very glad that I spotted this training for the team. Being in a role which can be emotionally demanding and can become frustrating, this in turn can impact on the team. The session not only reflected on how roles can impact on our well being on an individual basis, but also offered good ways to manage our own emotional well being.
As the Lead for the service, this will give me time to reflect, utilise useful tools to encourage self-
reflection, and build positive practice in looking after ourselves, so that we can be as efficient and
effective as possible in the role. Thank you!”
“Steven has an amazing talent for making online training a totally enjoyable, interactive, interesting and personal experience. It’s not ‘death by power point’ and maintains my attention throughout.
Today’s training was thought provoking and helped me to reflect on many aspects of myself, how I work with others and how I prioritise my work. I could write so much about today. So, I’ll stop now by saying, thank you for another wonderful and relevant training experience.”