"A great course, really engaging." Respect and Inclusion with Staffordshire County Council, May 2024

Greetings one and all,
Please find attached, a smattering of feedback comments from my recent Staffordshire County Council specific Respect and Inclusion training. Feedback ranged from, "Fun, interactive. Memorable!" to "I'll be booking in on other courses by Steven. Informative. Inclusive. The trainer was knowledgeable." As always with Staffs County Council, the staff were motivated, confident and absolutely up for the training.
This was the first session that I have delivered since the Cass report emerged and it was very interesting hearing people’s views and opinions on a hot topic. I incorporated the findings from the report into the training and highlighted some of the wonderful practice on show across Staffordshire. The learners were especially fond of the work I’ve been doing to include Gypsy, Roma and Traveller community stories into the narrative. Lawrence is becoming something of a cause celebre.
Other highlighted feedback included:
"A great course, really engaging activities and I really liked the trainer."
"Enjoyable and informative. It was both thoughtful and thought provoking. Insightful training."
"Really engaging and informative. Steven made sure that everyone was involved. He created a respectful arena where different viewpoints and opinions were discussed."
"Lots of fun, informative, a fabulous trainer! Very engaging with kids of activities - thank you."
"Very informative and engaging training. Lots of laughter and I did not expect that! Steven gave me food for thought. Excellent."
More sessions to come across 2024.