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Making Safeguarding Personal, April 2024, "Incredibly emotive and insightful.”

Greetings one and all,

Earlier this week I delivered the extremely popular ‘That Human Moment’ Making Safeguarding Personal.  I have opened up the course to include other professionals, so no longer is it just Adult Social Care specific.  I have merged the course with my other course, ‘Recognising and Responding to Vulnerability’ and it certainly works a treat!  I’ve been asked to share the aim of the session along with the learning objectives, and who am I to grumble, here you go:

Aim: The aim of ‘That Human Moment’ is to equip you will the skills to ensure safeguarding is compassionate, personal and relevant to the citizens of Stoke-on-Trent. 

Objectives: By the end of the session, you will have:

·         Defined what we think vulnerability means.

·         Explained the influence of risk factors on vulnerability.

·         Explored how to support and engage with people who are vulnerable or at risk.

·         Recognised the different ways in which people may respond to probing and or intervention. 

·         Identified some of the Motivational Interviewing traps that we may fall into. 

·         Recognised the need for a ‘Making Safeguarding Personal’ approach.

·         Identified effective communication strategies to support people.

·         Explained how to connect with others using emotional intelligence (EQ).

·         Explored ways to foster personal resilience when dealing with cases of vulnerability. 

I met staff from Staffordshire police, CDAS, the NHS and Stoke on Trent City Council, all of whom left positive feedback with regard to their enjoyment of the training.  From, “Many thanks, really informative and useful,” to, “Excellent session with many points on making safeguarding more personal and relevant to the person.”  Then we had, “I always learn a lot from Steven.  The films were extremely moving and it was lovely to meet Simon (PCSO) who was instrumental in supporting customers.  Thank you Steve,” plus, “Excellent training with great activities to help develop the knowledge gained.  The videos used are fantastic, incredibly emotive and insightful.” And also, “Steven as always was informative and relatable, making sure that content was easily understandable in a way that communicates the voices of the vulnerable.  Steven demonstrated and discussed the skills that we need in best practice.”

No doubt, you’ll be hearing a lot more about this course throughout 2024. 

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