“The real-life stories were great, especially from Charlotte and Ryan." Staffordshire County Council

Trauma and Change with Staffordshire County Council 03 04 2023
Staffordshire County Council asked me to deliver my Trauma and Change course to their staff. I wholeheartedly agreed and as you can see from the learner comments, the training is going down a storm. It is slightly different from the Stoke-centric training that I also deliver as this one includes a great deal about children and the impact both psychologically and physically on children and young people.
I'm just going to leave the feedback here for everyone to see. This is about Charlotte and Ryan, just look at the impact these two fantastic human beings are having on professionals and service delivery. I am absolutely blessed to have them both in my life, sharing their stories and informing services on the best way of dealing with trauma and people who have a willingness to change.
For those of you who celebrate it - Happy Easter and I hope you have a lovely break and recharge your batteries. I'm actually having a week off, I know - unheard of! Onward, ever onward into 2023 and beyond.
Collated Feedback
“Insightful, powerful having real people (Charlotte and Ryan) share their journey. Thank you Steven, this will help me with supporting parents who have experienced repeated trauma, to understand the impact that trauma has had on them and help them take their first steps forward to the life they deserve.”
“Fabulous training as always from Steven. Very motivational. Loved hearing Charlotte and Ryan’s story, inspiring people!”
“Brilliant training again by Steven, you always bring so much knowledge and experience to the course. Utilising lived experience brings so much to the training, it brings it alive.”
“Thank you again Steven for a fun and informative training sessions which I will take with me into my Social Care practice. Thank you also to Charlotte and Ryan for their sharing their experiences for better professional practice.”
“VERY interactive and INSIGHTFUL. Thank you very much to Ryan and Charlotte for sharing their stores. It was eye opening and amazing to see how far they have both come.”
“Really enjoyed how Steven merged other training into the trauma session and the use of real-life stories. He was very restorative and used solution focused techniques. Steve was knowledgeable and I liked the films with Ryan and Charlotte, especially hearing their journey and seeing their own reflections.”
“Great training, really informative and Steven structures his training well, incorporating group discission and activities. It was particularly great to hear Ryan and Charlotte’s stories. Insightful, knowledgeable and inspirational.”
“Thank you Steven, as always your training was informative, interesting and fun. Excellent. 😊”
“Fabulous training! As usual from Steve!”
“The real-life stories were great, especially from Charlotte and Ryan. I love hearing from people’s own experiences and what their point of change was and what support helped them.”
“This training kept me completely engaged from start to finish. Absolutely brilliant. Charlotte and Ryan’s stories were very well presented and I wholeheartedly admire them both.”
“Excellent, use of personal accounts was interesting.”
“The trainer is knowledgeable and the training thought-provoking and allowed me to participate in the training.”