"Thank you Steve for an excellent session, it was like a breath of fresh air." Collaborative Working

Greetings one and all,
I’ve been slightly remiss and not written a blog post for a few days, how very dare I!? So, faithful readers, here is a small post about my recent session with staff from across the length and breadth of Birmingham City Council. For the past twelve months, I have been delivering my bespoke ‘Essential Collaborative Working’ sessions to managers and future leaders at the council. I am now cascading the information on how to better co-operative to ALL staff and the first of these sessions was a hoot. It was both enjoyable and rewarding and it’s a testament to the staff at the council that I always leave feeling engaged and positive.
The learners have their very own training films – yes I’ve been making some entertaining gems over the summer, some of which are comedy gold (even if I do say so myself!) and feedback was rather uplifting! Everyone especially enjoyed Charlotte Bate’s turn as the horrifically tactless Christine who thinks nothing of turning one of her “four bedrooms of my deluxe detached house into a ‘state of the art office’ for working from home, such fun!”
Here is a smattering of feedback comments from last week and as you can see, it was a popular course! 100% positive feedback. Onward, ever onward.
“I found this training very useful. I find out what are the attributes of a person with great emotional intelligence, and this made me analyse the way I behave in certain situation and if I am always showing empathy towards my colleagues.”
“I Thoroughly enjoyed this Collaborative Working training session. It was very well laid out, just enough participation from everyone involved. I was keep engaged from the beginning to the end. Great work.”
“An Excellent session, firstly was good to use another platform Zoom which I have not used for previous meetings. Trainer was knowledgeable, entertaining, and broke session up to ensure all in attendance interacted with the session. I have taken away a few things for myself to consider and improve upon. I would recommend my colleagues to attend the session. Thank you, Steve, for an excellent session it was like a breath of fresh air.”
“I’ve come away knowing what small changes I can implement at work to better collaborate.”
“Even though I was interested in the course I was dreading the 3 hours as this can be hard to focus dependent on the content BUT I thoroughly enjoyed the content. Steven was very personable which made engaging with him and the rest of my colleagues easy. Loved the videos and the tasks, definitely gave me something to think about. Thank you Steven.”
“The presenter was very engaging, particularly enjoyed the video’s, comedy is a very good way to get points across. Re: working from home, at the beginning of Lockdown I asked my manager if I could have an office chair and head phones. I was allowed to go in and get a chair from the office and headphones were ordered.”
“A friendly, personable and useful training session. Steven made the interaction part easy and low-stress. Thank you!”
“Good practical approaches to support and help you in difficult situations. Like the opportunity of listening to other professionals would deal with situations or their insights was helpful.”
“I really found the break out rooms and tasks helpful to stimulate conversation with all attendees. this provides an environment for everyone to be involved. Steven engaged with all attendees and requested feedback with and without notice. Camera’s on – love that – who wants to speak to a picture or words all day long. Takeaways: to practise the key concepts of active listening within all virtual and face to face settings and then build this into every day communications with others. Development of my assertion skills especially regarding setting clear boundaries and allowing myself to make mistakes.”
“Training really good, Struggled with the DESC section nothing to do with the trainer just I believe an area I need to work on. The other attendees were lovely too. I enjoyed the video’s, the toxic office one in particular. I’ve worked in an office like that, interesting observation the lady who did no work had the clearest desk so true - I’ve seen that praised by managers.”
“Overall a good half day session of learning and Collaborative Working.”