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“Steven, as per last time, you were fantastic." Effective Factual Recording Jan 2024

Greetings one and all,

And here I am back at Birmingham, yet again.  I think I might need to purchase a tent and pitch up outside as I’m a regular!  Anyhow, enough of that, I have collated the feedback from the effective factual recording session that I delivered mid-January for the troops in the housing and homelessness departments at the council.

And as you can see; it is all rather positive! A good start to 2024.

“I found the course interesting and informative and there were a lot of useful tips to assist in my day-to-day role that can easily be put into practice.  There were plenty of interactive tasks and each breakout room was with a different set of people so got to meet nearly all that were on the course. The trainer also provides personal experiences when delivering the training which is useful when expanding the tasks. No one is put on the spot when coming back to the full group to discuss the tasks. Everyone has a chance to contribute.”

“Steven, as per last time, you were fantastic. The content, videos and group sessions were great. The way you deliver your training makes the training enjoyable. An early finish, is the cherry on top😊.

Helpful and engaging session. Thank you.”

“This was an enjoyable training course with a good mix of tasks and team interaction throughout the day, plenty of food for thought!  Thanks Annie 😊.”

“I really enjoyed this training. I don’t normally like Teams training sessions, but I feel Steven made us all feel very engaged and included.”

“I would definitely be interested in participating in other training Steven facilitates.”

“The session was very useful and gained knowledge on how to write notes.”

“I Really enjoyed this training, it wasn’t death by power point like other trainings usually. Thoroughly enjoyed how Ste was engaging with the group, felt comfortable and welcoming. Working with my peers helped me to understand the topics better with discussions.”

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