"One of the best training courses I have ever attended.” Respect and Inclusion with Insight Academy

Greetings one and all,
Today I delivered my brand-new Respect and Inclusion training. The course has had a 2022 overhaul. I have brand new training films, these include comedy vignettes and thought-provoking interviews; including, ‘living as a trans person.’ All starring people from North Staffordshire with lived experience. A huge thank you Heather, Gwyn, Jamie, Mohammad and Alex. The new tasks that I have created went down a storm and I love the fact that people appreciate what I am doing to better inform and educate people of Stoke-on-Trent.
Today existed because of the wonderful Expert Citizens and the hard work of people like Jonathan, Sam and Darren. The people of Stoke-on-Trent are so lucky to have the Insight Academy. Fully funded training that is both innovative and thought -provoking. All the while, utilising the voices of people who want to share their stories, their skills and their knowledge. Brilliant stuff. There is so much on offer and your organisations would benefit immeasurably from the learning and development opportunities that are available – do check them out.
Today I had the joyous task of training the staff from Number 11, “what’s number 11?” you may ask, well… here it is from the horse’s mouth:
“Number 11 is based in the community of Burslem, Stoke-on-Trent and aims to provide long-term, sustainable and holistic care to those in need. We believe that addressing the source of problems is the key to providing the best solution. We’re here to support people to move from a place where they are dependent on charitable help to a place where they are self-sustainable. Rather than being target-driven, we focus on the person, instead of allowing people to fall through the gaps between the many existing support services.”
And you can’t say fairer than that.

I absolutely loved the day, from beginning to end. We laughed we debated and we were respectful of each other’s differing viewpoints. A big thank you to Dave Nixon for organising the training and going above and beyond for me today. I’d also like to thank Rob for the lift! Cheers, a taxi service there and back, that saved me some expenses!
And here are the various learner feedback comments, needless to say they are all 100% uniformly positive.
“Brilliant training, one of the best training courses I have ever attended.”
“A brilliant course, knowledgeable, interesting and beneficial.”
“Really engaging and fun, it was easy to be open and honest throughout and clarify anything.”
“I really enjoyed this course, so much fun and informative too.”
“Engaging, informative and challenging, the time just flew!”
“Steven was very thorough with his explanations. Brilliant training, I really enjoyed it. Steven is really knowledgeable. Thank you and I hope to do more training with you!”
“The training was engaging, challenging and it made me stop and think.”
“Informative and engaging!”