Effective Factual Recording, Jan 2024 with Birmingham City Council "Marvellous!"

Greetings one and all,
I’m finally back with the collated feedback from my #effective #factual #recording course that I created and delivered for #Birmingham City Council (BCC). As always, the feedback was exemplary with some very rewarding comments with regard to the content and the delivery of the course. I do think, some folks arrive to training imagining that factual recording is going to be a very dry affair indeed. Well, they obviously haven’t attended MY training before.
I have created a fully interactive, hands-on course in which you follow the story of Thomasina Hallows. A character I created that is an amalgamation of the women I interviewed when researching housing and homelessness issues in Birmingham. The learners have each stated how invest they have become in Thomasina’s story and the positive outcome along with measuring the success of the staff and all that they did to support her post traumatic growth.
Here is a smattering of the feedback comment and yes, they’re all 100% positive:
“Steven is a talented and motivating trainer, friendly and knowledgeable. Great materials and references were provided, and all participants were encouraged to interact and understand the objectives. An enjoyable and thought-provoking session. Thank you!”
“Thank you for an amazing training. It was really great to see you again.”
“The effective factual recording training has helped me to understand the emotion behind the customers story and how to show that this is affecting them through facts rather than assumptions/jargon or opinions.”
“I have learnt that case notes must be clear, accurate and legible and should include relevant findings of facts, decisions made and actions agreed and understood. Check the recording is used on the correct systems. The urgency mindset task was truly reflective of my work life balance, I this is due to the nature of the team I work in and our managers empowering us to come up with effective ways of working.”
“The last task where we had to make a factual recording really made me think about what facts are helpful and what makes sense to someone else reading it.”
“This was marvellous training and I’m so pleased to have finally attended one of your sessions! The feedback has always been excellent.”
“Your training was very well thought out, usually I find long sessions online tiring. However, this was interactive with nice simple and to the point exercises.”
“You are a lovely gentleman, easy-going, which is nice when you are new and not 100%. I also liked the training as we were not just spoken at by someone who is unconnected to us and the pressures of the job roles. You showed good perspective, and clearly cared about the workers wellbeing around ‘burnout’, for example. Which is something I hear people talk about.”
“I’m happy to see and hear some who has conducted this training talk about empathy. In my short time I have been told people have lost their empathy. I hope to see in my future training other trainers demonstrating this as I feel with high pressures it can be lost, so a refresher seems helpful, maybe. Love the pictures, I’m going to have a look through and send you one. All the best.”