"Delivered at the right pace and in a brilliant style." Collaboration with Birmingham City Council

Greetings one and all.
Just over two years ago, during that bizarre blip in history when we were mostly locked in our homes, or just about to dip our toes out into the world again, I was asked to create a brand-new course for managers / leaders / supervisors who were enrolled on the Future Leaders Training Programme at Birmingham City Council. The name I gave the course was, ‘Essential Collaboration.’ It has been one of the most rewarding learning and development experiences of my life. Truly inspiring. Every group has been unique and most importantly; motivated. No dramas, no ‘but I don’t really want to be here,’ instead it’s been a real show of dynamism from some truly lovely human beings. To put it bluntly it has been a real tonic.
While researching the course, I had the pleasure of interviewing a raft of people from across Birmingham. All of whom had their opinions and thoughts on what could be done better or improved. What I found very telling were the anecdotes from the residents of Birmingham who had been supported into finding accommodation. Each and every one of them spoke glowingly of the support and the compassion they received from staff members. Again, and again the same names would pop up, Nina, Stef, Mohammed, Davit, Maureen, Janaya and more besides. Staff members who went above and beyond to support and encourage people into better life choices.
Yesterday, was the final session and as always, the learners were engaged and ready to learn. As you can see from the learner feedback, they were suitably impressed. All the learners enjoyed the fact that I had created a course bespoke to their specific needs and the needs of the residents of Birmingham.
I shall be returning soon enough, with different courses, brand new resources, comedy training films ‘Christine will return…’ and interactive teaching aids. Onward, ever onward.
Learner comments:
“Steve’s course delivery encouraged great team engagement and collaboration between the course attendees. The course notes in the group sessions were excellent and engaging. I had some good discussions with colleagues. Steve has a very professional and personable approach to training and engaged attendees also at an individual level.
Presentation slides and the use roleplay video across the course really helped to explain the requirements in the group break- out sessions. Overall, I found the Collaborative Working course interesting and informative and would recommend Steve's learning approach to any level of course attendee. Thanks Steve.”
“Thanks for a great course yesterday I did find it very engaging and informative. Good luck with all things.”
“The training session has been one of the most enjoyable of The Leadership Programme. I was very impressed with your understanding of intersectionality and how this can impact individuals within the working environment, with regard to working relationships and collaborative working.”
“Thank you for presenting an interesting session today. I think the content consolidated my experience as a manager and there are some definite aspects of the workshop, I’ll take in to my working day. I’ll certainly be a little more considered and a little less knee jerky.”
“This training, as well as being informative, was presented in a refreshing, genuine and fun way which I find makes the subject matter stick in the mind more readily. The method makes all the difference when training.”
“Thank you for today’s session. It was engaging and time flew by!”
“A most engaging and worthwhile session delivered at the right pace and in a brilliant style that I enjoyed relating to……..hopefully we can catch up again in the future 😊.”