Compulsive Hoarding with Insight Academy, March 2023, "Excellent session, superbly delivered."

Greetings one and all,
Expert Citizen’s Insight Academy commissioned me to deliver one of my most popular courses. The course was my always popular, ‘Trapped and Drowning in My Things’ Compulsive Hoarding. I had a great day delivering the new 2023 version of this learning and development opportunity. The new interactive activities and films were greeted with a great deal of positivity.
I had the pleasure of training a raft of professionals from across Stoke on Trent. They included staff from, Stoke on Trent City Council, Expert Citizens, Changing Futures, Human Kind Charity, Honeycomb Group, CC housing, The NHS, Citizens Advice and more besides.
Yes, even with the dreaded lurgy that is going around I can still knock it out of the park… 😊
Thank you to Jonathan from the Insight Academy for collating the feedback comments, which as you can see below go some way to demonstrating the good work that we are all doing to inform, educate and make a positive difference to the residents of Stoke on Trent.
Would you recommend this training to others and why?
Yes, great session delivered very well by Steve in his excellent Steve style!
Yes building knowledge.
Absolutely – very informative.
Yes definitely.
Absolutely – interactive, very experienced hands on trainer.
Defo yes as the training has been informative and engaging.
Lots of interesting information and techniques with approaching issues and a real fun course as well.
Yes knowledgeable.
Great training style.
Definitely would recommend.
Yea – all frontline staff / managers working with people in houses should attend.
Yes it is very informative.
Informative, enlightening.
Yes, enjoyed the training.
What did you learn during this session? Was there anything you wanted to learn that was not there?
Nothing really that I felt was missing, cleared up some misconceptions around hoarding.
How to support people with understanding and compassion.
I’ve learned how to approach a person that’s hoarding & how best to support them.
I learnt all about hoarding and how to respond to hoarding.
Psychology of hoarding, types of hoarding, how to approach clients, TLPS and guidance.
I learnt about wet hoarding as I haven’t heard of this before.
I learned about the importance of sensitivity when addressing hoarding with customers. I learned about the different types of hoarding which I hadn’t recognized before I did this course.
About the complexity.
A greater understanding of hoarding and how to support people with practical steps to improve living conditions / mental and physical health.
Understanding the psychological beliefs around hoarding, the effects in the person and what impact it has on society, safeguarding.
No very informative and great knowledge.
How to deal with someone hoarding practically and sensitively.
I learned the different types of hoarding and how emotional hoarding can be.
Excellent session, superbly delivered, all areas required covered.
ALL training was covered, I feel it covered it all.
I learnt how to correctly respond to others who may be hoarding and the best approaches.
How will the training you experienced shape your practice in the future?
I will use the skills we gained from the training with future clients.
I now have clearer knowledge.
It has given me the knowledge and understanding.
I feel more equipped to raise the issue with clients and how to follow through with support.
It will enhance my job role and enable me to efficiently support individuals.
I will be more wary of my reactions to what some customers don’t see as a problem.
How I approach situations from the off.
The training will help me with a more consistent approach to dealing with hoarding.
Use with situations I come across in my work with clients.
Help me to address clients in a positive manner.
Better understanding of where gaps are in the system and what we can do to mitigate this.
I will know how to assess a hoarding situation and how to approach it the right way.
Def be more aware of facial expressions, fantastic new tool DESC.
I will be more thoughtful in the future.
It will be helpful when I am working with these more sensitive cases.
“Wonderful training as ever. Loved the approach and the tips when working with sensitive cases.”
“I loved this training, so informative.”
“Excellent training, very informative, great to hear the real voices of people who have overcome their hoarding.”
“Steve and the training as a whole was fabulous as always 😊”
“Fab-U-Lous! Enjoyable, informative and interactive training.”
“Excellent course, I really enjoyed it.”
“The course was informative and interactive and will support me in a consistent approach when dealing with hoarding. I really enjoyed the day. Thank you.”
“An excellent course. Very well put across, expert examples from real people from real life. A funny and proactive approach.”
“A great day, Positive!”
“Great informative session, engaged throughout and good amount of activities to suit all the different learning styles.”
“Great trainer. Great Training. Great Company. Thanks Steve!”