Compassionate Management with Birmingham City Council "I will be recommending this to colleagues."

Hello all,
Yesterday I had the joy of delivering ‘The Positive Power of Compassion’ for Birmingham City Council BCC. As always, the troops were raring to go and dived into each and every activity. Originally the training was commissioned for half a day, but after the initial session both the learners and I agreed we needed more time for the discissions. We were skimming the surface somewhat and we needed a deep dive. Luckily when you are working with wonderful people like Tracey and Fiona, this wasn’t an issue and lo and behold, the BIGGER version was unveiled today.
And the feedback says it all really! Even though the initial session received 100% positive feedback, this session received ‘yes, just the right amount of time’ feedback comments too! The new films starring staff from various local authorities across the midlands and the north of England really hit home. They demonstrated the need for a compassionate response to some frankly grotty personal situations that staff members found themselves in.
It was encouraging hearing the staff from BCC state how they had been supported and encouraged by colleagues.
Here's a quote from Amy Bradley for you to peruse:
“Data collected through the NHS staff survey found that when staff do not feel cared for and are disengaged, this has a damaging impact on a range of performance outcomes, such as increased staff absenteeism, higher infection rates in patients and higher rates of patient mortality. Simply put, in these work environments, compassion is a matter of life or death.”
Yep, it’s that serious! Now you can see why BCC are investing so heavily in this learning opportunity.
Here are the newly revamped aim and objectives of the course along with various feedback comments.
Aim: By the completion of the course all supervisors and / or managers will have explored how to work compassionately with staff members.
Objectives: By the end of the session, you will have:
1. Described the importance of compassion in the workplace.
2. Explored opinions, informed opinions, feelings and the difference between feeling and understanding.
3. Discovered how to create an inclusive work environment in which differences are tolerated.
4. Described what is meant by rational compassion.
5. Explained the need for a more compassionate response to staffing issues.
6. Discovered where dangerous gut feelings can lead, especially in relation to empathy, anger, disgust and love.
7. Discovered the pros and cons of hybrid working.
Learner feedback:
“Dear Steven, thank you for the good training session. It was very interesting, engaging and very provocative from personal and professional point of view. The information and the breaks to discuss in groups was good because I mixed with different colleagues and I had the opportunity to experience not only their views but also to hear about their experience or to value their hard work. I am very interested in your training for Compassionate fatigue. I love art and even before you to point out that the drawings are yours, I have noticed your name at the right corner. Your drawings are very professional and reflecting people’s personality, very good. Thank you for the good training.”
“Steve is an informative trainer; his videos are excellent and absolutely brilliant.”
“Excellent content and trainer. Another enjoyable course with Steven who is very engaging. Exercises and slides extremely informative and very helpful. Looking forward to hopefully seeing more of Steven’s courses become available. Break out rooms worked really well and raised some very good discussions. Thanks again for another brilliant and informative training session.”
“Many thanks for your time today. I thoroughly enjoyed this session. Good mix of people from various directorates. Well presented with good team interaction. Up to date scenarios played eg. Working from home (resonated with snack munching. Thank you Steven.”
“I found the whole day enjoyable, informative but above all helpful! It really helped me to understand the differences between compassion and empathy, listening and hearing and was just what I needed as I develop as a manager. I feel like I can really help and support not just my team, but my line manager too. It was really good to get opportunity to reflect on myself and the experiences that I have been through over the last eighteen months – two periods of significant physical illness (not COVID) and two major surgeries and it has been hard returning to work each time. I have thrown myself into it but if a member of my team was going through what I went through, I would be empathetic and compassionate with them, so why not myself? If you ever wish to speak to me for research purposes, I would be happy to help. All in all, a great day. I will be recommending this to colleagues. Thank you. Thank you so much for today.”
Emma - Lou
“Steven led the course at the correct space and gave enough time for any person taking part in the course to ask questions, the interactive sessions gave us a little more time to get to know the different areas that the group worked in. Steven made you feel at ease and encouraged you to take part.
Some of the videos and exercises made you think.”
“Very good training with great energy from the trainer. His knowledge is very extensive and gave a good range of activities to go alongside the teaching.”