"Both the trainer and the content were exceptional." Motivational Interviewing with Insight Academy

I recently had the task of delivering Motivational Interviewing for Stoke on Trent’s very own Expert Citizens Insight Academy, part of the Changing Futures project. North Staffordshire is so so fortunate to have the academy on its doorstep, educating, informing and making a real difference to professional practice. More on them later in the week…
As always, the feedback from the learners was excellent, comments such as;
“Exceptionally informative training, I have also learned to self-reflect.”
“Absolutely fantastic training, from a fantastic, informative trainer, always enjoyable to attend training with Steven.”
All go a long way to reinforce that I’m doing a good job. I have to thank all at the Academy for supporting my endeavours and also in helping me to update and ultimately improve the course. I’m always reflecting, it’s a huge part of a training consultant’s job. People often remark that my training films change all of the time. This is something I do on a regular basis, especially now that I have a cavalcade of actors available to me. Making sure that my training is always relevant and contemporary.
Various professionals who attended the training have contacted me to say how they have started putting what they have learned into practice. Which after all, is what it is all about. I’ll leave you with these two comments from the learners, who on being asked about future training stated:
"Yes, I’d like to take part in your trauma training, my colleagues attended and said it was excellent”
“Anything at all if Steven is delivering it."
You can’t say fairer than that, now can you..?