'It's Only Banter' Respect and Inclusion with University of Liverpool, plus a teeny tiny

I’ve recently completed my Respect and Inclusion sessions with the University of Liverpool and what a hoot they were. You could not ask for a better, more attentive group of learners. Simply wonderful human beings who makes me laugh so, so much. The aim of the sessions was to equip staff with the abilities to recognise their own behaviours and that of their colleagues. To explore the use of ‘banter' language, and ensure that all staff are beacons of pro-social behaviour. By the end of the session, all learners had:
Described what is meant by respect and inclusion
Explored paradigm shifts
Explained what Albert Bandura meant by pro-social behaviour
Explored perception and intention
Analysed the pitfalls of communication, especially in relation to language and choice of colloquialisms
Described what is meant by personal responsibility
Explained the need to be professional and inclusive especially when working within a team
Used the DESC principle to explore assertive action
Demonstrated professionalism and how to challenge inappropriate behaviour.
As you no doubt are aware, the feedback was 100% positive, with lots of laughter, handshakes and a round of applause at the end of each session. There will be more of this next year, onward, ever upward! Plus, some spanking new courses too. I’ve been buried in research for a while now and it’s time for the new-fangled courses to emerge. A PhD beckons in 2020 so I best get organising my calendar, busy, busy, busy.
Well, it’s time for my Christmas break, sometimes being self-employed really is rather wonderful! I’ll be having a fun romp this weekend with a new murder mystery (written by yours truly), a lovely Christmas themed massacre always lifts the spirits. Merry Christmas troops and here’s to an equally wonderful 2020.