Dave Marks - of inSync Bookkeeping - what a superstar!

For those of you who know me well, you’ll no doubt be aware that maths really isn’t my forte. Part of the reason I ummmed and ahhhhed about starting my own business was the belief I’d get into a terrible state with my numeracy skills. Luckily, along came Gill and her belief in me and lo and behold I sat my GCSE Maths at age 38 and managed to bag a grade A! Oh yes, but this short blog isn’t about that, oh no, this short blog is about the fact I still ummmm and ahhhh about maths, which is why I require support – exceptional support. The man I’ve turned to is Dave Marks, of inSync Bookkeeping, who is an absolute legend.
When any of my sole trader chums or small business folks require a bookkeeper, look no further. Dave has the ability to:
Put you at ease
Explain HMRC processes in easy to understand language
Explore the ins and outs of self-employment
Keep you going with sound advice and encouragement
Going it alone can be a stressful and wonderful time, and we all need grand support around us. Look up Dave, and invest in the best.