Volunteering in Partnership Day Two
Today was another splendid day with the chaps from All Saints’ ‘Volunteering in Partnership’ team. A huge thank you to Kate and Lisa-Ann for having the gumption to soldier on ahead and make a difference to people’s lives. A shout out is required for the legendary Michael, who makes me laugh even at the most inappropriate moment. His tour of Stoke Minster really is a treat and religious or not, I would advise anyone who has an iota of interest in the history of Stoke, (going back as far as 600AD) to allow Michael to transport you back to a bygone age. Although I doubt that the ancient grave he pointed out to me really is the last resting place of the legendary King Arthur and his trusty, magic sword; Excalibur! I’ll never forget the wonderful trio of Dianne, (who hopefully believes SHE CAN DO IT – oh yes you can), Helena (active listener extraordinaire) and delightful Claire (with her myriad anecdotes and need to support her community), onward, ever onward you wonderful people. An inspiring, empowering group of people who are doing their bit to make their local community that little bit more cohesive.