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That Human Moment - Making Safeguarding Personal, "Useful - Informative - thought provoking." Jan 2024

Last week saw the launch of my new course, #Making #Safeguarding #Personal - ‘That Human Moment’ for staff from #Stoke on Trent City Council’s adult social care.  The training is a co-production between myself and various people from across North Staffordshire.  These people include various citizens who have experienced safeguarding, be it themselves being safeguarded or family members involved in the section 42 process.  I also interviewed a raft of professionals, all of whom shared their views on making the safeguarding process as personal, supportive and friendly as possible. 

Many thanks as always go to #ExpertCitizen’s Insight Academy, based at the Dudson Centre in Hanley, Stoke on Trent, for commissioning me to create and deliver the course.  A huge hearty thanks to Gina Grimes from Stoke on Trent City Council for asking for my services in the first place.  Our partnership approach is reaping great results. 

Feedback from the assembled learners was 100% positive, which was a great relief to me as I do tend to get a tad anxious when it is a new course and I’ve been working on it for the past six months.  I’ve collated together the feedback below and as you can see; people were indeed pleased and rewarded by attending the day’s training.  Learning, laughing (yes, we still managed to make it fun) and sharing good practice. 

“Yes - it was a very informative session, which has been made very engaging. It was beneficial to hear from individuals with lived experience of services and social care.”

“Steven, you make anything interesting. Variety of learning & coloured background of paper. Always good to hear stories are real and see & hear peoples lived experiences. Well done Malcolm - Amazing story.”

“Steve is so engaging and patient.”

“Interactive, relevant, motivating.”

“Will my learning improve? Definitely - really important to our role. Really enjoyed the course, - useful - Informative - thought provoking, particularly the videos of peoples experiences i.e. Malcolm / Chris - Use of humour - Engaging - Creative, Thank you”

“Yes, very informative and delivered in a fun way with participation. Films were very good. More from Steve please :)”

“Great for communication with profs & the people we support. I’d like more training on Motivational Interviewing and Empathy Fatigue. Very good trainer, enthusiastic / knowledgeable, balance of theory & tasks.”

“Yes examples used help to develop my self awareness when discussing safeguarding with the person.”

“Yes – needs to be mandatory for all social care staff.”

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