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A huge thank you to Marie and the customers of Telford and Wrekin Council

For the past few months I've been travelling to and from Telford and the surrounding area. The Motivational Interviewing course has been a great success. I've also been filming new customer films to accompany the revamped course. Time and again I've met with customers who have totally changed their lives, sometimes with lots of support and other times with a simple spark of inspiration from their worker. One customer explained how her housing officer sat and 'actually listened' to what she had to say. It was that straight forward active listening that sparked Lynette off to stop drinking. Now, three months later, she has a job, she has a life and she's actually living it. Great stuff.

The wonderful thing about Telford is that the staff are SO talented and committed. I'd remark to Marie (who organised the training) that her troops were so regimented and prepared, it was a breath of fresh air. Now, I have Wolverhampton and Shrewsbury staff to work alongside and more courses to develop and deliver, from looked after children to compulsive hoarding and substance misuse.

2018 has been a great, GREAT year (so far) and long may it continue.

Onward, ever onward, inspiring change and making a real difference in these challenging times of central government budget cuts and austerity. It's the people on the ground, doing more with less that are reeal inspirations.

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