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What a year! 2020 over and out and have a very Merry Christmas from Steven

The above photo was taken at a recent training event, more on that at a later date, I know I look like a deranged Santa - but it all made sense on the day. Socially distanced learning with Blankety Blank and fantastic feedback. What a hoot it was! All thanks to the legend that is Di and more on her in my next blog post...

So, that's me done for the year, I've given myself a couple of weeks off, to recuperate, recharge and enjoy what I can of the festive period. It's a small Christmas for me and no doubt for you too, although the world may seem a dark place (at the moment) there will soon be light. If Christmas stands for anything, it's the belief in joy, renewal and hope.

I'm already booked for devising and delivering learning and development projects up until end of 2022! Whoever saw that coming when we sat staring at the horrifying news in March? Here's to a grand 2021, onward, ever onward,

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