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Respect and Inclusion with Staffordshire CC, Jan 2025. “Possibly the best training course that I’ve ever attended." 

Greetings one and all,

I’m definitely back at work!  And the blog posts come thick and fast.  I don’t have a day off now until Easter!  Yes, I’m even working on my birthday – Valentine’s Day for those of you who didn’t know.  Some think it’s the best day to have your birthday, you try getting a table at a swanky restaurant!  I’m eclipsed by romantic couples!  Anyhow, enough of that, earlier this week I had the absolute pleasure of meeting an array of staff from Staffordshire County Council’s Children and Families services.  As always, clearly UP for the training and motivated to learn.  I always leave Staffordshire training venues elated and feeling rewarded.  100% commitment and lovely people to boot. 

The new 2025 version of the course has had a bit of a revamp and the board game that I created for them has now been personalised…  You’ll have to join the training to see how that works, needless to say, they loved it! 

On with the feedback:

“Steven has produced a well-balanced training session that as well being informative and educational has been both entertaining and fun.  Basically, it has been a pleasure to learn!  Thank you.”

“Very engaging and informative training, it sparked my interest, there were great areas for discussion and it got me thinking and reflecting on my own thoughts and beliefs.”

“Really interactive training, it gave me lots to go away and think about.” 

“This was brilliant training and really makes you stop and think about what, when, where and who…?  It’s brilliant how interactive Steven has made it.” 

“BRILLIANT!  Really interesting and interactive with great content that was specific to Staffordshire.  Thank you.”

“Great training and entertaining too.  I was engaged throughout!” 

“I enjoyed the course; it was informative and entertaining and I enjoyed the ‘banter!’” 

“A very engaging and positive training course, really informative and thought-provoking.  Thank you Steven 😊”

“Steven is a GREAT teacher!  Informative, fun and very knowledgeable.  Thank you 😊.”

“This training was a great mix of materials and learning, discussions between us as a group, small group activities, funny training films and also a refresher for my knowledge.” 

“Possibly the best training course that I’ve ever attended.  It was fantastic training.  A lovely trainer, very knowledgeable.  I feel that this training needs to be renewed and revisited every couple of years for every practitioner at the council.” 

“The training was very engaging and delivered brilliantly by Steven.” 

“Steven is an engaging and innovative trainer and I would love to attend any more training with him in the future.  He makes his own board games for us too!” 

“Number 1) VERY informative.  Number 2) Eye opening, especially the film with Lawrence and number 3) Thought provoking.” 

“I really enjoyed the training, what a lovely trainer!” 

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