“LOVED IT! 😊 The whole day was incredibly insightful and thought-provoking." Lead Worker Training with Staffordshire CC, February 2025

Just a quick one today!
Here are the collated feedback comments from the Lead Worker session I delivered alongside my wonderful colleague Di Malkin from the National Policing Vulnerability Knowledge and Practice Programme (VKPP). Staffordshire County Council has embedded learning at the heart of all that they are doing to support children, young people and families across the county. Wonderful stuff.
“This was really engaging training and I’ve learned a lot, thank you Steven and Di.”
“Lovely relaxed atmosphere that encouraged people to be open, honest and to get involved in the various activities.”
“The session was informative, the trainers (Di and Steve) knowledgeable and it was excellent seeing and hearing people from Staffordshire who know Staffordshire. It was lovely having discussions, taking part and hearing other people’s views during the day.”
“Steven is always engaging and makes learning interesting, I thoroughly enjoyed the day today. Di was awesome.”
“This was both informative and amusing! A great presentation today from Steven and Diane, thank you.”
“Great training as always from Steven, plus Di and as always with Steven’s training I have learned a lot that I will take into my practice going forward.”
“Really engaging course, very well put together, I enjoyed all what I learnt and it was especially great being taught by two exemplary trainers. 😊”
“AMAZING! Thank you very much Steven and Di. Steven you are an amazing tutor and keep me fully engaged throughout the course. Di you are a font of knowledge and very approachable. Thank you.”
“LOVED IT! 😊 The whole day was incredibly insightful and thought-provoking. Being a lead worker is important so we need to do it well, I’ll next see Steven on Motivational Interviewing training, which I hear is even better than this – which is hard to believe as this was the best training I’ve ever attended!”
“Lots of useful information to develop my skills in my day-to-day job, plus this will support me in my role as a lad worker. Thank you.”
“I really enjoyed this training session, very interesting and engaging. Thank you.”
“You are brilliant Steven! 😊 You always keep everyone in the room engaged. Thank you for letting us student social workers join the session too!”
“Steven as always created an informative and supportive environment. All of the input from the people involved was valued and shared. I love your training; I will definitely go away and take more breaks! Lesson learned!”
“As someone who didn’t use to like training, I find that Steven’s training is always engaging and it was through Steven that I realised the importance of constantly trying to improve my knowledge and my strategies for supporting children and families. I actively look out for training now (especially Steven’s) as I always find his training useful, informative and engaging.”
“I enjoyed the activities and felt that this allowed me to share my ideas and to gain other ideas from the other professionals in the room. Very informative and knowledgeable trainers (Steve and Di) who used lots of different learning tools to engage with us. A massive THANK YOU!”
“Very informative and self-reflective training. The delivery by both trainers was excellent and extremely interactive. VERY ENTERTAINING TOO!”
“Both of the trainers were very engaging and kept me interested and involved throughout the entire day. I will definitely be booking on more of Steven’s training as this was very interactive, made me reflect on my practice and gave me food for thought. The training films were brilliant too!”