"I would totally recommend this course." Fiona - great day with Birmingham City Council

Greetings one and all,
It has been a VERY Busy December for me, with various courses, all delivered via Zoom and Microsoft Teams. I’ve been presenting ‘managing potential aggression’ for Birmingham City Council and the sessions have been going down a storm. Wonderful staff, who in a time of crisis (damn you Covid) have soldiered on, regardless of the – so called, ‘new normal.’ It was really rewarding learning how the staff members have continued to support the residents of Birmingham, no matter how difficult the situation. The sessions continue in 2021, along with a brand-new course that I’m currently devising, along with creating more socially distanced films.
Feedback has been 100% uniformly excellent and as always it inspires me to continue to make inspiring and interactive training sessions.
Here is a smattering of some of the learner comments below:
“Brilliant - Steven gets to the point and delivers the workshop using humour that makes the time go quickly (usually a 3 hour training course can quite often drag and lose people’s attention) He is able to capture people’s attention and make the session interesting, which in turn helps you to take in and retain the information much easier. This workshop was truly relevant to my role as front line/customer services in a care centre. Keep up the good work Steven – hope to see more of your workshops on offer.” Karen
“Training on a Friday afternoon is often a challenge, but I found this course both informative and enjoyable. Steve brings a great sense of humour to his training which is supported by a plethora of knowledge and life experience. When we are busy doing the day job, I would totally recommend this course as a valuable couple of hours to sit back, reflect on your own behaviour and learn techniques which improve not just your own life but those around you.” Fiona
“Fab session. Really informative and delivered in a true to life, realistic and a very easy to understand approach. A great use of examples which were thought provoking. Thoroughly enjoyed it, thank you 😊” Annie
“Thank you I found the course interesting, accessible and non-threatening. Pro-social behaviour was something I had not come across before and made me think about how my attitude affects others. I am a bit of an Eeyore. I had a staff meeting afterwards and let’s just say that the Drama Triangle made it a lot more interesting!” Michelle
“Thank you for an engaging and informative session. I have learned some new things today. I particular liked the videos and the session was pitched at the right level offering very good examples and realistic scenarios. There was a good mixture of theory, PowerPoint and interaction to keep delegates engaged. Overall, I really enjoyed the session and feel that I have benefitted from attending it today. Thank you Steven.” Safdar
“This training was very useful for anyone working on the front line of any organisation, learning to de-escalate challenging behaviour is essential in the modern workplace. The differences between Aggressive, Passive –aggressive and passive behaviour is very important, as was the differences between Pro-social and Anti-social behaviour, as I have experienced both in my career, latterly more Anti-social than pro-social at the moment, but it’s important for me to spot this, and not accept it as normal, 10/10 for the course.” Stephen
“Thoroughly enjoyed the first session on dealing with aggression. Steven was very informative, and I found that by using personal experience and putting these into examples makes the context really understandable. When going through some sections, I thought ‘I have worked with someone with those behaviours’ and could completely relate, which I have never thought about their behaviours in that much detail before, and I think how I could approach them differently now, which shows learning. I am looking forward to the second part of the training. Thank you Steven.” Leanne
“The training was spot on, which involves caption and team working. Sharing opinion regarding exercise task.” Avis
“Steven was a very knowledgeable & friendly trainer & the information presented was useful given my job is quite front facing & having done this part of the course & gaining a broader understanding of issues that may arise in my role I’m quite pleased with myself as I (without realising it) do try to incorporate the positive principals presented.” John
“I found Steven to be a very polite professional man. Steven made me relaxed about the course and all ways took the time out to listen to my questions and gave positive feedback when I raised a question and gave an example. He encouraged Q&A and also encourage the whole group to take part in this morning session. It was very enjoyable and look forward to the second session on this thank you Steven Talbot.” Jeffrey
“The course was very well presented and made interesting by being entertaining and so real, so I wanted to listen to what was being explained. I have been made more aware of other people’s actions and behaviours as well as my own. Would recommend this course to my colleagues.” Amanda
“It was a very good and interesting course.” Adama
“Really enjoyed this session Steven and will be using the DESC method going forward thank you.” Alka
“I found the training to be informative which has given me a better understanding on how to deal with confrontation” Fatima