Compassionate Management “I always come away from Steven’s courses feeling positive and energised."

Greetings one and all,
Last week saw the launch of my new course with Birmingham City Council (BCC), ‘The Positive Power of Compassion.’ To write that it was a hit would be an understatement. Originally, we looked at devising a full day’s training for managers, looking at how a compassionate approach to staffing issues could benefit the organisation. Concerned that some folks would be horrified to attend a full day’s training on such a ‘soft skill!’ we pursued a half-day… How wrong were we!?
Each and every learner, and believe you me, it was a packed class, stated that they loved the session and wished we could have done more. Two hours later, the wondrous folks at Birmingham learning and development replied with, ‘go for it!’ The pilot session was such a hit that the upper echelons said, ‘they’re learning, they’re living it. Let’s make a difference.’ Well, as with all of my courses, I have enough resources for about fifty-five days, I then whittle them down to fit the allocated time. Thus, we now have a rip-roaring day long course.
The course includes several films, including interviews with staff from various local authorities and businesses. Some of whom did not receive the support that was required to keep them engaged and motivated at work. Plus, stories from people who absolutely got the support they needed.
My new hybrid working film went down a storm with lots of laughter and thoughtful comments, especially in relation to the struggle people had with the hybrid approach post lockdown.
Below you’ll find the aim and the objectives of the session along with the 100% positive comments from the always inspirational staff members at Birmingham City Council. A local authority that doesn’t just talk the talk, they listen, they constantly improve and they absolutely recognise that the residents of Birmingham deserve staff who are inspired, clearly motivated and supported 100%.
Aim: By the completion of the course all supervisors and / or managers will have explored how to work compassionately with staff members.
Objectives: By the end of the session, you will have:
· Described the importance of compassion in the workplace.
· Explored opinions, informed opinions, feelings and the difference between feeling and understanding.
· Discovered how to create an inclusive work environment in which differences are tolerated.
· Described what is meant by rational compassion.
· Explained the need for a more compassionate response to staffing issues.
· Discovered where dangerous gut feelings can lead, especially in relation to empathy, anger, disgust and love.
· Discovered the pros and cons of hybrid working.
“Very interesting session. made me re-evaluate myself. Steven was very engaging.”
“Thank you for your time today. I felt you were most engaging.”
“It was great to attend the course virtually, really enjoyed it and learnt a lot from it.”
“I really enjoyed this course, rather than have half a day it would be great to have the course commissioned for the full day, it’s very interesting and gives time to reflect on yourself. The trainer was very informative.”
“Excellent course.”
“Excellent session. It was a half day course but in reality, it should run for one whole day in order to cover contents fully. Steve Talbot is an excellent educator.”
“It was a great training session, thorough enjoyed it.”
“Thank you for an excellent session this morning really enjoyed it, looking forward to joining your future courses.”
“I thoroughly enjoyed this session, Steven is a very informative, knowledgeable trainer. I felt at ease to be able to share experiences with the group which was rewarding. Content was on point and exercises were relevant and very thought provoking. I felt there was so much more we could have learnt, and a full day’s course would enable staff to explore this subject in even more detail which as managers can only benefit every department and employees.”
“I always come away from Steven’s courses feeling positive and energised and ready to put lessons learnt into practice.”