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“Blimey!  I LOVED this training!" Effective Factual Recording with Coventry City Council, July 2024

Well, how about that!  Last week, I returned to Coventry City Council to deliver my bespoke Effective Factual Recording session.  The course has been created with lost of input from various people, both professional and residents from across the Midlands.  The course was commissioned to better inform staff from housing and homelessness services and as you can see from the feedback, people were extremely enthused about it. 

For the last two sessions I was accompanied by my chum Di Malkin.  Di was there to observe my interactions as a trainer, feedback to me on what I needed to improve and what I’m doing well.  Plus, for me to observe Di delivering elements of my training.  Di was superb.  She is in the first year of her teacher – training studies and I can see that’s she’s going to be an exemplary tutor. 

So, here is the collated feedback: 

“Very positive training.  Clear and precise.  The video examples were excellent.  Good group discissions.  Everyone was involved.”

“Steven was brilliant!  He kept us all focused on the training with interactive activities and his very upbeat approach and personality!” 

“In a word – EXCELLENT!”

“The delivery of the training was excellent.  Delivered by Steve in a friendly manner.  All very interesting.”

“Thank you Steven.  Very informative and delivered by an authentic person who has actually been there himself.” 

“I thoroughly enjoyed the training, I found it to be more informative than I expected it to be.  When attending training on, ‘how to write notes’ (my version) I wasn’t sure what you would be teaching, this is going to be so useful for everyone.” 

“Very engaging, excellent trainer.”

“Very interactive.  A fantastic trainer.  Real life examples from Coventry (that’s a first!)  Banter!  Overall, AMAZING.  Thank you!”

“Thank you for getting the key points through and making the course so interactive.  I feel this will help us at Coventry to embed the key points.”

“Steven delivered the training session really well.  Engaging with all of the people who attended, he made it interactive and I was grateful that no one was singled out.  The session was so much better than my expectations, in short, I really enjoyed it!” 

“The training was well delivered, fun and informative.  The activities were both engaging and fun.  It was great to have frequent tasks that reinforced learning.” 

“Really interactive and interesting.  I enjoyed every moment of the training; the day just flew by and I don’t often say that!” 

“I enjoyed the interactive nature of the training; it was enjoyable from beginning to end.”

“Blimey!  I LOVED this training.  It was super fun.  Thank you!”

“I loved this training and I learnt A LOT! I know that this will change the way that I’ve been writing my notes and make my work better.”

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