"Absolutely fabulous training." Lead Worker Training with Staffordshire County Council, Sept 2024
Well, I’m suitably refreshed and raring to go!
This week, it was straight back into it, with Motivational Interviewing, Respect and Inclusion and Lead Worker Training. To tell you the truth, I am a tad exhausted today and I of course LOVED my week.
First of all, I was continuing my Lead Worker sessions with Staffordshire County Council.
What is Lead Worker Training?
Aim: The aim of this session is to equip learners with the skills required to become an effective lead worker, benefitting, and improving the lives of families across Staffordshire.
Objectives: By the end of the day’s training, all learners will have:
· Explained what is meant by ‘lead worker’ in relation to coordinating Early Help multi-agency teams around the family.
· Recognised the different ways in which children and family members and other professionals may respond to probing and / or intervention.
· Identified effective communication strategies to support people and reduce the revolving door of families returning to services.
· Identified ways in which we can challenge both family members and professionals, using assertiveness, consistency and confidence.
· Examined how to cultivate a collaborative approach using Motivational Interviewing skills, underpinned by restorative practice.
· Explored some of the Motivational Interviewing traps that we may fall into.
· Utilised the Six Step Change plan to engage and encourage early help with a whole family approach to root causes, solutions and effective closure.
· Explained how to connect with others using emotional intelligence (EQ).
· Explained the importance of self-care through reflective practice.
My former colleague and (soon to be) associate Di Malkin from The College of Policing delivered the session with me. Di will be joining the newly rechristened Steven Talbot Consultancy and Associates later this year. Di’s knowledge around vulnerability is second to none and it was exceptionally rewarding watching her impart her knowledge to the assembled learners. Di will be joining the already wonderful Sarah Miller, who has continued to deliver and develop my Trauma and Change course.
Feedback with regard to the Lead Worker training, ranged from, “Steven (and Di) delivered a very relaxed but still professional and informative session. The content was totally relatable to my role and the skills were very transferable. Thank you.” To, “Absolutely fabulous training. I always enjoy any training that is delivered by Steven. I always recommend his training to my colleagues.” I think the learners could see that Di and I dovetail perfectly together.
One particular piece of feedback that I received made me laugh rather a lot, “Steven is so knowledgeable, and he shares it without be over-bearing or condescending. He also makes training both engaging and FUN!” I would hate for being to think I was condescending to them and it is great to know that I’m not. I’ll leave you with this snippet, “Very informative training, delivered in a relaxed and professional manner. I learned a LOT.” And you can’t say fairer than that, now can you?