"A great teacher, motivational and empowering." Motivational Interviewing with Staffs Council Oct 23
Greetings one and all,
Here I am with my Saturday blog post, highlighting the fabulous work that we’ve been doing over at Staffordshire County Council. I write ‘we’ because this has been a joint effort. Without fail, Staffordshire County Council have allowed me the freedom to create bespoke training for them that informs, educates and entertains. Yes, I know, I’m like the BBC. A huge thank you to both Miranda and Hazel for giving me the freedom to see what works, what could be better and what the staff really need.
I had the absolute pleasure of training a group of wonderfully motivated learners. Family support workers, social workers etc. All of whom were raring to go and willing to learn all about Motivational Interviewing (MI.) My MI course charts the stories of residents of Staffordshire and how, by working closely with their support workers they engaged with and embraced positive change.
We laughed, we pondered, we had debates, it was soul enriching.
Please see the collated feedback comments below, all 100% positive. Of course…
“Brilliant! Very informative and helpful, very entertaining. Thank you.”
“I have found the training both informative and fun. It has kept me involved throughout. I am glad that the training was in person, I don’t think online would suit me as much. I look forward to more training with Steven.”
“What did I learn? Learning about different ways in which to answer a question or to further a conversation is beneficial. Knowing how to empower a family by using conversations that allow them to feel in control when most would feel powerless, this is an amazing thing and a real skill to have! Thanks again Steven. Fabulous training. I love how training never feels like a chore with you. Please never stop!”
“The subject was brought to life with various resources, lots of interaction, fun and educational.”
“Steven was such a good trainer and he made the session informative and engaging.”
“Very informative training that I can put into practice. This has been a really interesting two-day course and I think my practice will definitely improve for attending.”
“Absolutely enjoyed every second of this course, from start to finish. It was so informative. Steven is a fabulous trainer and I look forward to more training with him.”
“This training was very insightful and engaging. The training was fun and there many various tasks to learn from. Steve offers a lot of team working activities so we can learn from each other and put that learning into practice.”
“A really informative and interactive training course. I honestly learned so much from Steven. Thank you!”
“Steven is a very good trainer, he created training that was interactive and made the two days training engaging and very useful for my practice. Thank you.”
“This training was really memorable and fun. I learned a lot and will certainly put what I have learned into practice. I will use the strategies Steven has taught us going forward.”
“Very open, very lively, relaxed training environment, a great teacher, motivational and empowering. I look forward to more training with Steven.”
“An amazing facilitator. Very informative, I will definitely start putting what I learned into practice, I’m going to start next week! Highly recommended course.”
“The training was brilliant and thoroughly engaging. Steven’s lively delivery had us hooked from start to finish.”