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“A fantastic nurturing session for someone new to the council.  Total credit to Steven!  Thank you.” Lead Worker Training, July, 2024

Earlier in July, I had the pleasure of training staff from across Staffordshire County Council.  The new course is Meeting the Needs - ‘Lead Worker Training.’  I created the course bespoke for the council, with several new training films and all new activities and resources.  I was, of course a tad anxious about delivering a brand-new course to people I’d never met before.  I think a small degree of anxiety can be a positive thing, especially when the anxiety turns into positive excitement about a new challenge.   One snippet of feedback I received from a learner was, “Brilliant, fun and informative.  I loved it.  The best training ever.  Everyone was engaged and felt part of the session.”  So, that put my mind at rest! 

What is the course all about then?  Well, come take a seat as I explain in a few short sentences…

Aim: The aim of this session is to equip learners with the skills required to become an effective lead worker, benefitting, and improving the lives of families across Staffordshire.

Objectives: By the end of the day’s training, all learners will have:

·         Explained what is meant by ‘lead worker’ in relation to coordinating Early Help multi-agency teams around the family.

·         Recognised the different ways in which children and family members and other professionals may respond to probing and / or intervention.

·         Identified effective communication strategies to support people and reduce the revolving door of families returning to services.

·         Identified ways in which we can challenge both family members and professionals, using assertiveness, consistency and confidence.

·         Examined how to cultivate a collaborative approach using Motivational Interviewing skills, underpinned by restorative practice.

·         Explored some of the Motivational Interviewing traps that we may fall into. 

·         Utilised the Six Step Change plan to engage and encourage early help with a whole family approach to root causes, solutions and effective closure. 

·         Explained how to connect with others using emotional intelligence (EQ).

·         Explained the importance of self-care through reflective practice.

So, now you know!

Feedback was 100% positive and ranged from, “The training was very informative; I will take so many good practices away and implement them into my role.  It was a fun and lovely session!  Thank you to all of the young people that shared their experiences. 😊” to, “A fantastic nurturing session for someone new to the council.  Total credit to Steven!  Thank you.”

I was rather moved by the use of the word ‘nurturing,’ surely that’s the best of compliments! 

I also had the following comments:

“I actually enjoyed this training as well as learnt, Steven is a fantastic trainer, and this will stick with me for life.  Thank you.”

“A great day, totally relevant to my role, Steven is both empathetic and realistic about our various job roles and the difficulties we face. Interesting discussions were had and a great sharing of views and experiences.  Thank you.” 

“Brilliant training that kept everyone engaged!  I loved this training and cannot wait to attend Steven’s Motivational Interviewing training.”

“I found the training very interesting and actively involved everyone in the room.  I felt that it was very brave and helpful to see the videos and hear lived experience from from Asa, Lola, Ben and Lynda.” 

Everything ran smoothly and the various feedback comments tell me I’m on the right track.  A huge thank you to everyone who appeared in my training films. 

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