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Respect and Inclusion at University of Liverpool; 'You're inspirational love!'

How I LOVE Liverpool! Yes, I was back this week and I’ve delivered two bespoke sessions of ‘Respect and Inclusion’ for Liverpool University. You really can’t ask for a more enthused group of learners. There was an awful lot of laughter and learning, mixed with that Liverpudlian dead pan wit. At the conclusion of the sessions I received two rounds of applause! Some of the learners took their time to thank me as they had been concerned that they were about to be greeted by some sort of ‘death by PowerPoint E and D training.’ Which of course, really isn’t my thing. Everyone threw themselves into the activities, which included lots of hands-on learning, (the colour paper, laminating and Velcro always comes in handy), small group work, working in pairs to solve the conundrums and my particularly enjoyable game; ‘Let’s take a stroll' as the learners stepped into the shoes of 'other' people and ventured through Liverpool City Centre’ (we didn’t actually wander around the glorious city, but we had fun pretending that we did.)

As you can imagine, feedback was uniformly, 100% positive, with the oft quoted ‘inspirational’ being thrown around. Yes, I’d definitely say that’s my favourite word. It’s fantastic when people take time to hover at the end of training to speak to you and thank you for such an enjoyable day. There was a lot of hand shaking and back patting and the odd, ‘phew! I actually enjoyed that!’ See – quality training can be fun and interactive.

I will be returning to the hallowed grounds of academia later in the year, so onward and upward!

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