Busy days for Steven Talbot Consultancy and Some Interesting Developments!
Hello all,
When you have a spare six minutes, do give my latest film a quick look. I had a hoot playing the rather cantankerous art technician, Maurice and as always a huge thank you to my actors; the Best of the Bests. The bespoke film has been created for a university I'm currently supporting and on Monday I commence the films for East Cheshire Council and more for the Macari Centre.
I have also recently delivered ‘Working Alongside People with Disabilities’ for Locomotive Services Ltd at the Crewe depot, we laughed, we learned and we laughed some more, feedback was (as I’m sure you’ve guessed) 100% positive with some lovely comments ranging from, ‘fun activities, very interesting course,’ to ‘inspirational trainer,’ and ‘Steven was a fantastic presenter, both funny and informative.’ Lest we forget the wondrous, ‘best training yet!’ And you can’t say fairer than that, now can you?
I’ve also been devising and delivering a whole series of learning and development sessions for companies and services across the Midlands and the north of England. It’s been great fun and I have to admit to being ever so slightly cream crackered! Just as well I love, love, love the work. I’ve also been commissioned to create some bespoke training sessions much further afield… More on that later, just let me tell you, it involves an aeroplane and a boat trip! Blimey! Talk about, ‘spreading your wings.’ Onward, ever onward!