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Steven Talbot Consultancy - from strength to strength - 2019 and beyond!

What a week it has been, delivering my new course; Lost – recognising and responding to loneliness revamping, reworking and delivering the ever-popular ‘working with potential aggression’ and finally, creating three new films for my upcoming work with the various universities. It has been a BUSY few weeks and March / April / May are even busier, with nary a day free to gather my belongings and scoot off to the next hotel! I’m hoping my long-standing dislike of hotel stays begins to diminish, as I’m here, there and everywhere. I’m already booking hotels stays and venues for 2020! I’m particularly enjoying spreading the ‘Steven Talbot message’ however, I’m not a huge fan of the endless packing and unpacking of a suitcase malarkey. Though, lets be honest, in the grand scheme of things, it’s hardly a hardship, (room service can mess up your diet but make you very contended), especially when I am absolutely loving the work.

This week I received the best feedback I’ve ever received and I’ll be blogging about that and the two courses I’ve created in due course. Including a nice nod from a politician. Needless to say, when I’m described as ‘inspirational,’ ‘a breath of fresh air’ and lest we forget, ‘you were so much entertaining than the last training I attended!’ it really cheers my heart and I know I’m doing a grand job. No matter the subject matter, I will inspire, innovate, entertain and educate. Thank you one and all for the continued support. Onward and ever upward.

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