Engaging and Inspiring Change with City of Wolverhampton Council

Mandy is a killer!
Engaging and Inspiring Change with City of Wolverhampton Council
Today was all about the power of persuasion and engaging with ambivalent staff. All done through the prism of one of my bespoke murder mystery. Yes, today brought us the Killer at Killington Council and what a fabulously fun romp it was too.
Fiona, Karl, Dal, Denise, Simon, Mandy and Nirmala were true detectives as they swam right through the red herrings to discover the identity of the Killer. She may look like butter wouldn’t melt but Mandy (sometimes Amanda, she’s quite posh you know) played the killer (Gilda) to Perfection!
I’ve written it before and I’ll write it again, training needs to reflect the BBC, inform, educate and ENTERTAIN. People leave my training inspired, remembering what they have learned and ready to put it into practice. The key is to back up each and every theory with robust, enjoyable activities that hit all the learning styles and engage with everyone in the room. From colourful paper, sights and sounds, my artwork, craftily created films, to Velcro and play-dough, I use it all.
We explored the differences between surface, deeper and meta learning. We described Paradigm shifts. Explained personal values and the values of the team. Analysed barriers to communication. Explored ambivalence. Described change – both intrinsic and extrinsic. Explored self-efficacy as defined by Albert Bandura. Defined what was meant by pro-activity rather than reactivity. Defined their aspirations for the team, while creating a ‘vision statement.’
A huge thank you to Wolverhampton council for booking my services and what a glorious venue too, the Molineux football ground, in the heart of Wolverhampton. The sun was shining, the tea was flowing, cakes were eaten and learning took place. Can you ask for anything more?