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"I can hand on heart say that Steven’s training has the most meaningful impact." Insight Academy

Yesterday, I delivered my very popular ‘Empathy Fatigue – Embracing Rational Compassion’ course to various agencies from across Stoke-on-Trent. This was the first of my many varied training sessions for the Insight Academy based in Stoke-on-Trent. The Insight Academy is part of the Changing Futures Programme, delivered by Expert Citizens C.I.C. They offer training that is available to the changing futures stakeholders and the local authority; including staff, customers, volunteers, and mentors.

This is such an amazing opportunity and builds on the sterling legacy of Voices of Stoke.

As with all of my training the course is co-designed with people who have lived experience. Lived experience of empathy fatigue within the workplace. I also interviewed clients / service users and customers of services who had endured the horror of ‘performative empathy.’ We’ve all seen it haven’t we? The tilted head to one side, the ‘ohhhh I know’ and the patronising nod of the head; usually followed by a bit of ‘sage advice.’ As human beings we are pretty good at determining if the person sat in front of us is actually actively listening.

Empathy fatigue can be a real killer, which is why I express throughout the training the need for more rational compassion.

Feedback for the course has been 100% positive with some lovely comments from the learners who attended yesterday.

My other courses are all fully booked and its heart-warming to hear how much people strive to attend my learning and development opportunities. From Motivational Interviewing to Bipolar Affective Disorder, people recognise the amount of work I put into creating these courses. I in turn can only thank the plethora of people who help me to device, co-produce and deliver these training opportunities.

Here are a few examples of the comments the course received:

“This was excellent training. I have attended Steven’s training before and always find value in it. Being a practitioner for over 20 years, I have attended numerous mandatory and supplementary training course and I can hand on heart say that Steven’s training has the most meaningful impact. His delivery style is engaging and encourages honest reflection and deep thinking which results in the learning being applied. His training makes a genuine, positive difference to me as an individual, a practitioner and a manager. For this course in particular there will be tools I take away and use in supervision, team meetings and for my own PDR. I genuinely feel more able to recognise early signs of empathy fatigue in myself (and do something about it) but to also more equipped to be a better manager who can support my team. Thank you Steven, you continually help me to improve.”


“I found the training really informative and helpful thanks.”


Extremely impressed with the level of knowledge and information in this course, I genuinely feel that I have more of an understanding of myself, my actions, and my perceptions. Usually, I find that breakout rooms aren’t all too productive – but this was not the case here. The course was somewhat emotional, and it was really helpful to be surrounded by and communicate with others who are in the same line of work or having similar experiences. Very grateful to hear the stories of others, and some of the task handouts are going to be so useful outside of this course!”


“Steve is very knowledgeable around this topic and was very personable throughout the training. Steve did well to engage everyone into the training with the multiple activities which allowed everyone to reflect and develop some self-awareness – well it did for me! I think overall this training has helped me as I was feeling a little bogged down with work and the pressures that we are faced with at the moment but the tools that you have offered us to use in our everyday life (both work and home) will support me when I have feelings of being overwhelmed/stressed and support me to recognise when I am experiencing it. Thank you!”


“Absolutely enjoyed this training and can put what I have learned into practice. Thankyou.”


“Very interesting training. Steven is very knowledgeable and engaging. Thank you.”


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