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"Fun, challenging and makes you think and reflect.” Trauma and Change with Stoke on Trent Council

Greetings one and all,

Hope you are all rested (those of you who got the Monday off too) after the long weekend. Jonathan from Expert Citizens Insight Academy has been a busy bloke and collated together the feedback from last week’s Trauma and Change course that I created for Stoke on Trent City Council. He never rests! What a legend he is.

As you can see below, the staff from the council, under the watchful eye of the wondrous Gina Grimes are thoroughly enjoying the session. Time and again staff are highlighting the lived experience of the participants in the training films. Stoke on Trent City Council are hearing from the legends that are, Charlotte and Ryan and of course the two young stars who kindly gave me so much of their time, Ellie and Brett.

Each time I complete the training at the Dudson Centre in Hanley I am elated. The reaction from the troops has been overwhelmingly positive and I think people can see the importance of lived experience informing everyday practice.

On with the feedback:

On completion of this training has your knowledge increased?

Yes – 20/20

On completion of the training session has your confidence in the topic increased?

Yes – 20/20

Was the trainer knowledgeable and able to answer your questions?

Yes – 20/20

Would you recommend this training to others and why?

“Yes definitely – very informative and relevant for our work practice.”

“Steven was so energetic & passionate about the training I have enjoyed every minute of it! Thanks the stories of Charlotte & Ryan are inspiring!”

“Yes, very informative + current.”

“Yes, very interesting & Stephen was an excellent trainer.”

“I would definitely recommend this training – I feel everyone should complete this training, very important!”

“Yes – Steven is very knowledgeable; funny & engaging & I always enjoy his training. It is important to have lived experience examples to build knowledge which has been demonstrated in this training.”

“Yes, great training, very insightful.”

“Yes – Very interesting topic well presented, fantastic story of Ryan & Charlotte.”

“Definitely recommend to other colleagues.”

“Yes, given lots of information to consider and inform my decision making.”

“Absolutely – Real life stories from all the participants in the videos / audios were really moving, humbling and pleasing that there was a positive outcome.”

“Definitely – Broaden people’s awareness of how trauma can affect people’s lives, with appropriate support people’s lives can be turned around.”

“Yes, great training, trainer is engaging and real case studies embed the learning. Enjoyed the videos of real people sharing the stories.”

“Definitely, the session was informative, thought provoking. The lived experience videos / audios were very powerful.”

“Yes, I would, it would give people an understanding to people’s behaviour.”


Do you have any comments / suggestions you would like to add that would influence the design of future courses?

“I thought the training was brilliant and thank you to Steve and all the individuals for sharing their real-life experiences. You are all inspirational 😊 “Love Heart””

“No – Best training I have ever been on!”

“Very interactive, no changes.”

“Thank you for an excellent training session. Great trainer, venue and lunch! Thanks 😊.”

“Follow up sessions, refresher every year.”

“Steven should not change the way he delivers the course as he is fantastic at delivering the content.”

“The real people Ryan & Charlotte were amazing people.”

“No fine just the way it is.”

“Wouldn’t change anything.”

“The people in the videos, audio recordings and case studies were inspiring. Loved it was “Stokie” people we talked about.”

“To be honest Stephen is so engaging, I would attend his training on any topic.”

“Yes, anything Steven is training, fun, challenging and makes you think and reflect.”

“I would be interested in any training being delivered by this trainer, it was a fun and interesting session.”

“Anything else that Steven delivers.”

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