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“By far the best training I’ve ever attended." How's that for an end to 2022. The holidays beckon!

Here I am, sat at my computer, writing a short blog post to say THANK YOU to all of the fabulous folks who have been so wonderfully supportive of my endeavours during 2022. Fear not I’m not going to list you all here, you all know who you are, and fair’s fair, some of you like are far more self-deprecating than me.

I’m now taking a well-earned rest for a few weeks. 2022 has been a pretty wonderful year for me. I spread my wings and travelled further afield and next year see me venturing even further. New adventures beckon, fear not Birmingham, Dudley, Wolverhampton, Nottingham, Cheshire East, Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire, Liverpool, Manchester and so on, I’m still around for you too. In fact, I’m already booked to return in 2023.

Last week saw my delivering training to Birmingham City Council, Staffordshire County Council, various Catholic schools from across Nottingham and Stoke-on-Trent City Council. The subjects were varied and each class was comprised of clearly motivated learners, who are going above and beyond. It’s been a tough year for many people and it’s fantastic to know there are so many professionals out there, soldiering on, fighting the fight and advocating for others.

Onward, ever onward folks and have a wonderful break (those of you who get one) and a very merry Christmas (those of you who celebrate it), it’s time to remember, rejoice and recharge.

Here is a smattering of the 100% positive feedback and yes, it’s the last smattering for 2022!

“Excellent training delivered with brilliant humour. Steven is a fantastic trainer keeping everyone engaged and moving at a very good pace. Best training I’ve attended this year online. Lots of pointers to take away and think about to use in my job and to look after myself. Certainly, recommend this to colleague and hope it continues next year.”


"In a word - inspirational."


“You are so good at what you do Steve, we need more training like this and more trainers with your level of empathy and interest in people and the struggles that the students are going through. Dazzling.”


“Training with Steven is always informative and full of knowledge. It is always clear to see he had put in a lot of work and research. I feel this training has helped me to see I need to stop and look at my role and the work I am doing and work out what are the important tasks. I need to stop ruminating. I scored high in all areas of the procrastination activity and The Urgency Index now I know I need to use the technique Steve shared to work on reducing these. Thanks Steven I look forward to the trauma training.”


“Just like to say that the training session was most informative, interesting engaging. Lovely videos and course content kept everyone engaged. Plenty of opportunity to discuss. Are there any other areas of training that you cover – that Birmingham City Council could use your training session!”


“By far the best training I’ve ever attended. This sort of training (empathy fatigue and burnout) is needed at the moment and you really helped me see other alternatives. Thank you Steve.”


“I really enjoyed the training today, it was fun, engaging and interactive. Each activity was well timed maintaining that level of engagement. Steve made it fun and relaxing whilst improving our learning. Looking at strategies to improve our levels of fatigue to avoid burnout was very useful, and also ways to make working from home healthier. – thanks for a great session Steve! See you on the Trauma event.”


“The trainer is very knowledgeable on the topic and I also like to interact with his activities during the lesson. Thank you for an informative session today.”


“Hello Steven. Thank you for today it was useful. I really enjoyed interacting with other and sharing practise, the tasks were informative and something I can adapt to my work.”


“One of the most enjoyable courses I have attended recently. Participant engagement was excellent I think it was well designed and getting the worksheets before session was very effective.”


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