"I wish this training was available to all." Jayne, National Probation Service, Nov 2019

"I just want to say that your training course, “Trapped and Drowning in my Things” was so useful to me. It was not just the content of the course, but I think what was added to your training (which I have to say is particularly lacking in most training) was humour and lots of case studies and anecdotal stories; it just adds to it and makes you listen, enjoy and then remember what you learn. It even made me check the things I have lying around the house and garage, and I have earmarked stuff to get rid of!! I realised that actually my aunty when she was alive was quite a hoarder, but not to a dangerous level. I now feel more confident in that I know what a better approach if I encounter hoarding behaviour and I know who else to contact. I wish this training was available to all of Staffordshire, not just Stoke area, because it is important."